
As mathematician and researcher, 凯文使得 is at the forefront of research in geometric measure theory. Through the findings of his team at Washington State University, 他希望推进这些理论的应用,并开发从复杂数据中提取信息的新方法. 正如凯文所描述的, “我的宇宙一角涉及科学家和分析师面临的挑战,因为他们面临的数据集越来越庞大.”

在大学里, Kevin和一个研究伙伴还创建了数据挑战合作组织,以开发一个可持续的跨学科研究和教育环境.

凯文从洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室加入了该大学的数学系, where he founded his first research team. 凯文的作品被广泛发表,他也经常在会议和研讨会上发表演讲.

Like many original thinkers, Kevin has broad interests and experiences. In addition to his current deeper focus on geometric analysis, he has studied and worked in many other areas, 包括激光物理, 物理海洋学, micro-circulation physiology, various areas of engineering, 小提琴的表现, 基础教育,从书架到建筑物的设计和建造.

Kevin has also quietly adopted the role of humanitarian. 除了资助沃拉沃拉大学的数学图书馆和学生图书基金之外, 他帮助沃拉沃拉的学生获得了在洛斯阿拉莫斯的实习机会,并被华盛顿州立大学研究生项目录取.

他对帮助有才华的学生面对困难有特殊的兴趣, a scenario he faced as a college student. During his high school and college years he lost both his parents to illness. 他说,在两位大学教授的支持下,他能够克服这些障碍.

Kevin balances his busy professional life with time spent with 他的妻子 Beata, 他们的儿子, 利瓦伊, 和狗, 奥比.


With an annual circulation of 62 million, 你的邮箱甚至电脑屏幕上很有可能已经收到了科菲通讯公司的出版物. As the chief executive officer of 科菲通信, 艾伦·科菲已经将该公司发展成为一家领先的医疗保健出版商,在业内以专注于医疗保健而闻名.

科菲通信 produces publications, 网站, 以及42个州的医院和健康计划公司使用的其他通信产品和服务. 近年来, 艾伦的企业家精神和竞争精神推动了公司在扩大产品线方面的增长, including an online planning and production tool for clients, Web服务部门, and a suite of Web products that include a health information library, 健康提供者目录, 电子通讯等等. 科菲通信 is based in Walla Walla and employs 160 people.

艾伦对他父母创立的公司的持续发展感到非常自豪. 塞西尔·科菲和芭芭拉·科菲于1975年创办了科菲通信公司,作为一家广告和营销机构. In 1983, 塞西尔看到需要一种权威的健康出版物,医院可以很容易地为自己的社区定制,之后公司开始专注于定制医疗保健出版. 

Alan has worked in the family business since its early days, 直到从沃拉沃拉大学毕业后才离开,去圣地亚哥的法学院学习. 艾伦的妹妹简(Jane)现在是公司的首席运营官,他的母亲处于半退休状态. Alan assumed the role of CEO after his father’s death in 1992.   

作为领导者, 艾伦的慷慨和支持精神在整个公司培养了员工的团队精神和家庭意识. 科菲通信
is known for the loyalty of its employees, many who are WWU alumni.

When Alan isn’t at the office, he enjoys spending time with 他的妻子, Sherilee(格), a 1991 沟通 graduate, 和继子, 赛斯查普曼.

DeLona Lang Bell

If there is anyone who has a passion for her work, it is DeLona Lang Bell. DeLona对文字和视觉力量的把握和理解推动了她在营销和传播领域的成功.

无论是普罗维登斯医疗集团产科服务的广告,还是一家价值数百万美元的公司的年度报告, her work excels in both 沟通 messaging and business strategy. 仅2008年一年, 她的作品在三个国内和国际行业竞赛中获得了最高奖项. 然而, DeLona would be the first to give credit to her creative team at CM Bell, the company she and her husband, 迈克尔, 成立于1997年. 该公司, 总部设在大学广场, 提供市场推广服务, 沟通, 商业技术.

DeLona’s clients are primarily from the fields of education and health care, 她所投身的事业. When consulting with clients, she brings years of her own on-the-ground experience in marketing, planning and 沟通 positions for Hewlett-Packard, 普罗维登斯医疗集团, 以及沃拉沃拉大学, one of her first employers and the place she now considers a family tradition.

Just last year the 校友会 honored DeLona’s mother, 乔伊斯, as one of the 年度杰出校友. DeLona’s father, Melvin, was a WWU professor and administrator for many years.

DeLona and her husband, 迈克尔, married while they were students. 今天, 他们的儿子, 基督教, 是历史系学生, 还有他们最小的儿子, Miles-Erik, will be a 沃拉沃拉大学 freshman next year, 跟随他的父母和20多名沃拉沃拉校友的亲戚的脚步.

德洛娜对母校的感激之情激励她成为基督教教育的不懈倡导者. 目前,她是WWU和华盛顿独立学院的董事会成员.


In the world of printing technology, 作为施乐公司的高级执行官,里克Schmactenberg正在领导创新.

2007年,Rick被任命为消耗品开发和制造集团的高级副总裁.  他负责静电印刷和固体油墨耗材的研发和全球制造. Rick oversees the development of toner, 光感受器, 中间传送带, 打印墨盒, xerographic charging devices, 熔化炉, solid ink print heads and inks.
在一起, Rick负责7个研发中心和20个制造工厂,分布在7个国家的9个地点.

Rick stepped into this position following his success as a vice president
of worldwide manufacturing for Xerox Office Group, where he was responsible for quality, cost and delivery of general office printers and multi-function devices.

In 2003 Rick was named a Xerox Research Fellow, and he holds numerous patents and manufacturing trade secrets.

Rick established his track record at Tektronix, where he received the
“制造技术领导奖”,以表彰他在固体墨水打印头的商业化和大批量生产方面的工作.  在美国泰克, 他的团队开发彩色打印机产品的成功导致他们的部门在2000年被施乐公司收购.

With Rick on the road much of the time, 他的妻子, 黛比(雷诺), 1980年护理专业毕业生, 还有这对夫妇的孩子, Stefan和Jennifer, keep the home fires burning in Aloha, 矿石.


作为神忠心的仆人,加里·帕特森总是在最需要他的地方回应神的呼召.  在他45年的牧师生涯中, 他曾带领会众, served as a church and health care administrator, 甚至还办了一个夏令营.

Gary is a noted leader not only for the scope of his service, but also for his inspiring leadership style. “加里一直是一位充满活力的领导者,”他的一位前同事表示.  “在他杰出的职业生涯中,他结合了对生活的天然热情和充沛的精力以及出色的沟通技巧."

Gary has served as a president of two conferences, Georgia Cumberland and Pennsylvania, and in two General Conference positions, 首先是担任北美分部总裁的行政助理, and then as General Field Secretary. 在这个角色中,Gary与他的妻子Rae一起,广泛地旅行以促进世界宣教.

He retired in 1998 from the General Conference, 但被佛罗里达的基督复临医疗系统(Adventist 健康 System)邀请担任家庭健康部门的副总裁.  After his second retirement from Adventist 健康 in 2003, 卫生系统要求加里开发一个由安德鲁斯大学和佛罗里达医院联合赞助的牧师教育项目. 近年来,加里前往复临教会的校园招募潜在的学生.

No stranger to campuses or youth ministry, Gary曾担任沃拉沃拉大学和南方复临大学校园教会的牧师. He was also youth director of the Upper Columbia Conference.

Now retired, Gary and Rae recently completed writing a minister's handbook. 首页 base for the couple is in Virginia, where they live close to their daughter, 辛西娅, 还有她的家人. Son Jeff has followed in his father’s footsteps and is a minister in Atlanta.

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